Here are the modifications that I made to the game:

- I created two custom scripts called "RotateXaxis" and "RotateZaxis" by modifying the source code of the "Rotate Around" Script. These two scripts cause objects to rotate within the xy-plane and the zy-plane respectively.

- I duplicated the comet spawner and modified it so that I would rotate around a certain point such that it makes the spawn locations of the comets appear pseudo-random, while ensuring that all the comets travel in the same direction. (Note: One of the comet spawners is really far back in the background, and the comets that it produces won't show up on the minimap).

- I created two asteroids which rotate around the sun in the xy-plane. They have a subtle halo effect around them to make the slightly easier to see.

- I added three additional planets, Mercury, Venus, and Mars. I made it so that Mercury was smaller than Venus, and Venus was smaller than Earth and Mars so that it was somewhat similar to real life. I also altered the pitch of the noised that the planets make as they pass the camera, making smaller planets produce a higher pitch, and bigger planets produce a lower pitch. 


Created By: Ethan Smith


smit3419 - 34 MB
smit3419 - 24 MB

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